Friday, August 31, 2012
Saturday, August 25, 2012
Chapter 5: Most def not New York
"Let me talk to you
Tell you how it is
I was thinking when I saw that body gotta get shawty
Tell her what the young boy gonna do
Damn them chicks wit you gotta be your kin
Babe pretty thick wit the kick that's sick that need to be hit
So tell me what ya'll gonna do
I got friends, and you got friends
They hop out, and you hop in
I look fly, and they jocking
The way you drop, drop makes me wanna pop
Is ya man on the floor?
If he ain't...
Let me know
Let me see if you can run it, run it
girl indeed I can run it, run it"- Chris Brown
Tell you how it is
I was thinking when I saw that body gotta get shawty
Tell her what the young boy gonna do
Damn them chicks wit you gotta be your kin
Babe pretty thick wit the kick that's sick that need to be hit
So tell me what ya'll gonna do
I got friends, and you got friends
They hop out, and you hop in
I look fly, and they jocking
The way you drop, drop makes me wanna pop
Is ya man on the floor?
If he ain't...
Let me know
Let me see if you can run it, run it
girl indeed I can run it, run it"- Chris Brown

Saturday oh how I love Saturday.
NO school
NO mama yelling to tell me to go to school
NO annoying people at school
NO nagging teacher at school
NO nasty school lunch
NO school work
and NO sitting in a class for almost a hour and a half
I rolled over in my bed looking at my wall.
Ty: good morning babe:)
I read the message that sat before me, even though at times I can't stand him he really does try.
Me: good morning and I'm not your babe
Ty: don't be like that, let's do something today
Me:Like what?
Ty:Iono why don't I scoop you up and we chill at my crib?
Me:Sounds like a plan
Ty:Ard pick you up on 20
Me:What you talking about 20?
Ty:Girl it's 1 in the afternoon if you don't get your self up and get dressed see you in 20
And with that I threw my phone on my pillow getting up going into my bathroom, I took a quick shower and got dressed nothing dressy, it's only Ty. I pulled my hair into a bun on top of my head. I picked up my phone and made my way into the living room where no one was because it's 1 in the afternoon and Saturday. No one in my house gets up this early so the fact Ty has me up it annoys me. I went into the kitchen to pore myself a blow of captain crunch.
Ty:I'm outside let's go
I read I kissed my lips c'mon son
Me:Don't rush me
I pick my blow up and keys heading out the door to Ty's car getting in.
"Where mine at?" He asked kissing my check
"At your house" I replied
"That's cold but I'ma break that" He replied pulling off whatever that means....
"I think you should wear the white one" I pointed
"I think so too" My mom went into her closet to get some shoes that fit right with her dress. She she's going out with Mr. Perfect again. I'm happy for her like I said before. We've been sitting in her room for about an hour now trying to find something for her to wear.
"Mom go your gonna be late" I yelled to the bathroom so she could hear me
She came back out fully dressed with her natural curls in
"Are you sure you can be without me?" She asked
"Mom I'm 17 not 7 it's not the first time I been without you" I replied pulling my phone out to reply to Quera's message
"Rite well here's your card" she said handing me my credit card
"And a few extra bucks just in case" She said handing me 2 hundred also
"Thanks" I kissed her check
"Welcome if you leave don't forget to lock the door" she pulled her blazer on
"I won't bye-bye now" I pushed her out the room
I put the phone up to my ear
"Love you"
"Love you" I yelled back
"See I knew you loved me" His voice felled my ears causing me to smile
"Once again I'm not talking to you" I laughed laying back on my mama's huge bed
"Yea whatever sooner or later you gonna be telling me you love me" he replied
"Whatever what you doing?" I asked flipping through the channels
"Nothing getting dressed" He replied
"Oh for what?" I asked
"My family coming over and my mama finna cook" He replied
"Oh that sounds nice" I smiled focusing on the sponge bob episode ahead of me
"What you doing today?"
"Nothing just gonna chill in my own house" I yawned
"That sounds boring" He laughed
"Well that's the first thing you need to know about me that I'm a very boring person" I laughed too
"Yea-yea well Ms. I'm boring get dress" He mocked me
"Now why would I do that"
"Cause I said so you gone come chill with me today" He replied
"Your ruining my relaxation" I laughed
"You don't have one I'll be there soon to pick you up" He stated
"Okay" I said before hanging up
Instead of getting dressed right away I finished the episode and then took a shower. Once I got out I did my hair . I put on some light make-up, I then looked around my closet for about 30 minutes before I heard the door bell, I ran to the door to see Chris standing there.
"You not even dressed yet?" He asked looking up form his phone
"No I was looking for something" I stepped to the side
"Well hurry up" He rushed me
"Ard" I ran to my room
"What about this?" I asked
I had on some blue jean shorts with a red v neck and my red and white Jordan's
"No" He shook his head
"Why?" I pouted a little
"You not wearing those shorts" He said locking his phone
"There not that bad" I looked down at them
"Yea not to you, but from here they too short and I ain't trying to have nobody looking at you" He replied readjusting his snapback
"Fine" I rolled my eyes going back to reevaluate my outfit
changing to something that's "better", I went back into the living room
"Better?" I asked
"Much" He smiled taking my hand
I grabbed my purse throwing my card, money, phone, and keys into it locking the door behind us.
As soon as I stepped into the sun I then realized that it is most def not New York.
"How hot is it out here?" I asked when we got into the car
"98 degrees" Chris replied turning the air on
"Put that on blast" I told him turning the vent on me
He laughed pulling out of my drive way.
The whole way there he's been listening to music and I've been talking to Quera. The way her and Ty act you would swear they date or something.
Wifey:)- Man all we've been doing is watching video's on MTV2
Me: stop complaining!
Wifey:)- shut up
Me: You have problems one minute you wanna hang out with Ty and now that you have the chance to you complain the whole time!?
Wife:)- *sucks teeth* man shut up Chase Morgan and chill with CHRIS instead of playing doctor feel better lolx
Me: I just might do that, and I ain't doctor feel better to no body you and Ty are a old married couple there ain't no helping y'all lolx
Wifey:)- SEE always talking crap kick rocks Morgan
Me: Whatever you say Lambert I still love you
Wifey:)- I love me too
Me: Ew
Before I could finished the message Chris took my phone
"What was that for" I asked looking at him like he had 5 heads
"First you haven't spoke a word to me since we step foot in the car and second we're here" He laughed
"Oh I'm sorry that was rude of me" I gave him a small smile
He just smiled shaking his head, we both got out the car walking up to his big house.

"Chris that's you" Mama asked me
"Yea" I yelled pulling Chase into the den
"Hi sweetie" She smiled at Chase
I already told her about Chase so she insisted her coming over
"Hi Ms. Brown" she hugged her
"You can call me mama" Mama smiled being her old caring self
"Well thank you mama for inviting me over" she spoke
"No problem now y'all go enjoy y'all selves while the food cooking"
"Ard" I pulled Chase into my room where my cousin were talking loud
"Aye yo Chris this her" My cousin Austin yelled
"Why you yelling" I kicked his shoes off my table
"My bad, what's your name shawty?" He asked
"Chase" She smiled taking a seat on my bed
"Who told you to get on my bed?" I joked
She rolled her eyes "Bit me Brown"
"You bad Ms. Chase" Austin kept pushing
"How old are you?" She asked him the Golding question
"15 why?" He answered
We all busted out laughing
"Your super young" She laughed
"How old are you?" He shot back clearly annoyed that she shut him down
"17" she answered
"Age ain't nothing but a number tho" He tried to defend himself
"I feel you, you can be my Lil homie" She smiled
"Do I get hugs?" He asked
"Oh course"
"Ard I don't mind then" He laughed reaching to give her a hug
"You so thirsty" My cuasion India laughed
"Shut up you ugly" He replied
"Anyway hi I'm India" she looked in Chase direction
"Nice to meet you" she smiled back
"So isn't chase a boy name?" My cousin Tony asked
"Yea but since I'm a girl it's a girl name" she replied
"GOT EM" Austin yelled
"Man shut up" Tony threw a pillow at him
"Ard enough kids" I yelled pulling Chase into the second part of my room
"Aw their cute" she smiled sitting on the huge bean bag that sat in front of another T.v
"Yea they annoying too" I turned the T.v to MTV to some reality show
"You got alot of cousins" She laughed
"That even half of them" I sat in the same bean bag as her
"You gotta lot of family out here?" She asked
"Naw most of them are in V.A, but see like Austin is my auntie son, and India is his sister they moved out here before us." I explained
"Oh that's cool" She smiled
"You smiled too much" I mushed her head
"Shut up Christopher" she laughed
"Oh so I'm Christopher today" I raised my eyebrow
"Yes you are, I was just starting to like you" she laughed again
"I bet I can change your mind" I smirked at her
"Boy bye" She waved me off
"We'll see" I mumbled
She focused back on this basketball flies or some crap like that, while I texted Ty. He supposedly be fixing that crap with Quera, which he needs to do ASAP no rocky cause it ain't cool.
"Hello" I turned to Chase to see her on the phone
"I'm fine.....Yup......Shut up......Okay....Love and miss you too" she smiled hanging up the phone
"Your mom?" I asked
"Naw my homie from V.A" she smiled it must of been a dude cause she was smiling way too hard
"Oh" I guess she caught the vibe I was giving off
"He's just a friend Chris" She looked at me
"Whatever" I mumbled
"Come on don't be like that" She frowned at me
"Whatever Chase" I looked at the T.v
I'm not mad, I just don't like the fact that she talking to a dude other than me.
"Fine Christopher" She leaned back
We were in complete silence until Austin busted in
"The food ready" He spoke but looked at Chase
"Ard" I mumbled getting up
She followed behind me without saying anything, We made our way up stairs.
"There you are baby" Mama smiled at her
"What y'all want?" She asked getting plates out
"Um whatever it doesn't matter" She tired to smile
I know she mad, but she gotta understand where I'm coming from, and soon she will.
"Oh okay baby you alright?" Mama asked
"Yes ma'am" she replied
"Need any help?" She asked
"A matter of fact I do" Mama said putting some greens on a plate, I sat at the table
"What wrong with you" India rolled her eyes
"Why you gotta attitude" I asked
"Cause you got one" She smacked her gum
This girl is too fun- KNEE
"Shut up India" I waved her off
"I'm saying there's no need to be mad, you got a pretty girl that clearly likes you, so whatever you mad at you need to drop it before you push her away" Man I hate when she right I just don't tell her that
I nodded my head proceeding what she was saying into my head
I helped mama fixed the boys plates and drinks.
"Here" I sat Chris plate down
"Thank you" He said
I was going back into the kitchen to brink Austin his plate, but Chris pulled my arm softly
I looked at his then back at my arm looking at his like he's crazy
"Come outside with me" He said lowly
I grabbed my plate and followed him outside
"What you have 10 minutes" I turned
"C'mon Chase don't be like that" He spat
"Be like what? your the one who got mad at me over a friend" I told him getting mad all over again
"Cause I don't like you talking to other dudes, I wanna only be that one dude" He told me it sounded cute and sweet.
"But you can have other girls like and talk to you right" I asked already knowing the answer
"That's different" He said
Is this kid kidding me? He gotta be outta his monkey mind
"Okay" I laughed
"For real tho no body none of them girls that like me here but you" He looked at me which was true, so I decided to just drop it.
"Fine Brown" I pointed at him only for him to laugh
"Was that really called for a Brown?" He kissed my finger
"Child boo let's go sit down in the shade" I told him
After dinner the teens just chilled in Chris room cracking jokes, and trash talking.
"So New York you got any New York friends" Aaron asked me
"Yea a couple" I laughed
"You should hook me up" He smiled
"I got just the girl for you" I laughed too already having someone in mind
"She gotta be pretty no man looking type" He looked at his phone
"Never that Tay look far from a man" I smiled I got some pretty best friends
"What about you tho" Austin asked
"What about me?" I asked confused
"Who you like, who you dating?" He asked
"I'm waiting on Chris" I looked at him
"Oh so you waiting on me" He smirked up at me
"Don't play if you wanna waist time I'll just keep it moving" I joked but for real at the same time
"I'm ma leave it up to I'm gone stay out my own way" He rubbed my arms smiling
I really didn't know what he was talking about but I think I might like it.
"Why is it so hot here son?" I asked randomly
"Cause It's Miami....son" Tony laughed mocking me
"HA.HA.HA funny" I said sarcastic
"Why is it so cold in New York" Chris asked
"Cause it's the North" I looked at him
"Why is there so many flies" I asked
"I know we ain't finna get into this again" He laughed
"...Okay then why there's a rat on every coiner in New York then?" He shot back
"Why after every sentence you call me shawty, shawty, yo shawty I'm taller than you son" I laughed
"So why after every sentence you gotta say son, I'm not you kid I'm not child why I gotta be your son?"
"B" Aaron jumped in
"Money" Austin jumped in too
"Why y'all got BIG feet in the south, feet be so stank" I pointed out seeing Tony feet
"Why y'all gotta be so hairy?" Aaron asked
"Why y'all girls down here be mannish?" I shot
"Hold up girl's down here look good" Chris laughed
"Remember when we went to get ice cream and that one girl tried to talk to you, but she looked like a guy?" I laughed
"HOLD UP WHAT??" Austin cried
"Shut up" Chris tickled me
"This is most def not New York" I laughed
"You got that right" We play fought

"Ty I'm hungry" I told him for the 5th time today
"Okay hold up chill" He looked around for a pizza menu
I've been at his house since early and we ain't do anything special but watch movies, but I'm not complaining I enjoy spending simple time like this with him.
"GOT IT" He yelled
"good I thought you was gonna need Dora and boots to help you find it" I laughed
"G,G,G,G, shut up" He pushed me
"What movie you wanna watch?" He asked sitting next to me
"Iono maybe think like a man" I smiled
"Okay" he nodded his head
I looked at him like Kay you gonna get up
"You better find the movie" He laid his head back on the sofa
I kissed my lips walking over to get the remote "You so lazy I'm YOUR guest"
"You ain't no guest your just Quera" He said with eyes closed
"Well just Quera bout to smack you if you say something smart again" I said tossing the remote back onto the bed
"You ain't gone do nothing" He waved me off
"Yea keeping that" I sat down
"I'll think what I want" He laughed his head on my legs
"MM" I said playing with his waves
"You gone make me go to sleep" He said lowly
"Well wake yo self up cause once the pizza get here you gone need to raise up" I laughed fixing my eyes on the previews
"I love you Quera"
When he said that my heart stopped all the hate I had for him went away and something came over me
"I love you too Ty"
He leaned up and kissed me, not one of those pecks a long passionate kiss that could take any girls breathe away.
Wednesday, August 8, 2012
Chapter 4: I gotta know
"Hey, little mama, ooh, you're a stunnerHot little figure, yes, you a winnerAnd I'm so glad to be yoursYou're a class all your own And, ooh, little cutie, when you talk to meI swear the whole world stops, you're my sweetheartAnd I'm so glad that you’re mineYou are one of a kind
And you mean to me what I mean to youAnd together, baby, there is nothing we won't do‘Cause if I got you I don't need moneyI don't need cars, girl, you're my all
And, oh, I'm into youAnd, girl, no one else would do‘Cause with every kiss and every hugYou make me fall in love"
And you mean to me what I mean to youAnd together, baby, there is nothing we won't do‘Cause if I got you I don't need moneyI don't need cars, girl, you're my all
And, oh, I'm into youAnd, girl, no one else would do‘Cause with every kiss and every hugYou make me fall in love"

As soon as I got in the car it was like world war 3 in there with the questions.
"Y'all go out" Jess blurted out
I looked at her through the rear view mirror and then laughed
"Naw" i shook my head
"But y'all like each other tho" Bow asked
"Yea" i nodded
"Do she know?" He asked
"Do she like you back?" she asked
"You gonna ask her out?" Bow asked
"You better not" Jess yelled and with that me and Bow looked back at her
"And why can't he?" Bow asked taking the words right out of my mouth
"Cause she's not your type" she said simply like she would know
"And you think you know huh" i grunted
She didn't say anything and that got me heated i HATE when all these bums can have girlfriends, but as soon as one girl come that i LIKE they wanna give me a 100 degrees.
I drove the rest of the way to bow house without a word they got me messed up.
After I dropped him off I quickly dropped her dizzy tail off
"Chris I didn't mean what I said it's you can't like her" she said unbuckling her seat belt
"Whatever get out" I told her not looking at her
"You only knew this barbie for 2 days and you acting like she' your life you knew me for" she started but i cut her off
"I knew you for a couple months" I finished for her
she just looked at me but guess how many cares were given? not one at all
"Are you for real?" she asked
"I. SAID.GET.OUT" I said clenching my jaw she did and slammed my door
"Don't slam my stuff" i yelled
"Forget you CHRIS" she yelled
I pulled off right away texting Keeis to see where he was, he told me he was home so I texted Quera.
me: where you at?
Q: at home dummy what you want?
me: not you let me get chase number
Q: no she don't want you lolx
me: please Quera I'll be your friend
Q: I don't want you to be.. but here
She texted me her number and with that i drove home
pulling into the drive way
I yelled walking into the kitchen
"What boy don't be yelling like that" she hugged me
"My bad" I smiled innocently
"Why you home so late?" she asked putting her phone down
"Um I had to stay after school and then we went to the fair" I told her grabbing some grapes
"Oh that's good well I'm about to go to the store with your auntie" she hugged and kissed my check again
"Ard I'm going upstairs" I told her
I kicked my shoes off and laid on my bed
I pulled out my phone out and started texting Chase
to unknown number: Wassup
from unknown number: who this?
to unknown number: Chris
Chase: oh how you get my number?
me: I have my ways
Chase: well can you say stalker much? lolx
me: I ain't no stalker lolx maybe
Chase: Ew son wyd:)
me: nothing laying down you
Chase: sitting in my moms room watching basketball wives
me: you watch that show? lolx
Chase: sometime when my mom watches it
me: tell my wife she don't need to watch that
Chase: who that?
me: your mom lolx
Chase: she just laughed really hard you just made a old woman's day lolx
me: lolx your moms pretty
Chase: yea-yea-yea that's what they all say
me: well I'm not all:)
Chase: what ever boo you ain't slick
me: yea i am see I went from Chris to boo within a few text
Chase: see you ain't cute Mr. Brown I call everyone boo
me: well you can stop that cause that's my name
Chase: lolx whatever floats your boat Blondie lolx
me: don't talk about the blond
Chase: i like it tho
me: you better
Chase: oh so you demanding now i see lolx
me: a matter fact I am so call me NOW lolx
I put my phone down and turned the T.v on to MTV2 watching Birdman and Rick Ross born stunner a few seconds later my phone rung with Chase name flashing. I guess she did what I told her :P
"Hello" I answered sweetly
"Don't HELLO me Brown" she laughed
"Why? it's the nice thing to do" I laughed
"But there's one problem you ain't nice tho" she said
"What girl I am" I defended myself
"Rite" she said lowly
"You the mean one NEW YORK" I said New York loudly
"Man whatever I am nice" she said I can tell she was smiling
"Yea but you mean to Jess tho" I joked
"Oh see I don't like her speaking of did she buy it" she asked
"YUP" I laughed
"She should! Like okay you like someone that doesn't mean you have to be a jerk about it" she laughed too
"Yo she crazy tho she was telling me you wasn't my type" I yawned
"WHAT! she lucky that I'm not your girlfriend cause I would deck her" she laughed
"You can be if you want to" I smiled
The line went dead silent after a while
"Your crazy" she laughed
"No I'm for real" I told her
"Mmm" she said
"I need to know something" I told her
"What you need to know boo?" she laughed
"If you like me" I spoke
"Well Chris you know I do, If I didn't I wouldn't pretend that I do" she told me
"I'm glad you do" I smiled like the kool-aid man
"Do you like me?" she asked in a kiddish voice
"Yea a mater fact I do"
"Oh" she said smiling in her tone
"I wanna know everything about you" I told her

I moved around in my mama bed trying to find a better spot to lay in.
"Okay like what tho?" I asked Chris
"What's your favorite color?" he asked
"Blue what's yours?" I smiled
"Red, blue and black" he replied
"What's your favorite T.v show?" I asked
"Um I like cartoons" he smiled like a kid
"Your such a big kid" I laughed
"So what's yours?"
"Um fresh prince" I smiled cause I was watching it now
"Oh for real that's what I'm watching" he laughed
"Man get out my head that's what I'm watching son" I laughed
"Man you copying my swag" he laughed
"Babe I'm about to go on a date" my mom came out the bathroom
I just looked at her and smiled I'm glad she getting out there
"Okay Love you" I told her
"Oh so you love me now?" Chris asked
"I'm not talking to you child I'm talking to my moms" I waved him off walking into my room
"Where she going?" He asked with his nosey self
"On a date" I smiled
"Oh I forgot that I was talking her out" He laughed
"Shut up" I laughed too
"What you want me to take you on a date first?" he asked
"Yes a matter fact o do" I smiled at the fact that I told him that
"You got it Lil mama" I could he was smiling
-the next morning-
I woke up a 5:00, so i can make this 'art meeting'. I shot Chris a text
me: Christopher get up!
Chris: Ard imma come get you
me: thankx and kay
With that I went to go take a shower, and do my hair. Afterwards I got dressed into: A black pair of shorts and a pink, purple and blue tank-top with some black sandals. Nothing more and nothing less
It was 6:00 when I was done so I went downstairs, mama was drinking coffee. nothing outta place.
"Hey Hun" she smiled
"Morning mama how was your date?" I asked puring myself some coffee too.
"Great Cory is a great man, he's smart funny, caring,..." she went on and on about 'Mr. perfect'. There was a honk outside knowing it was Christopher.
"Bye mama gotta go" I kissed her check
"Bye baby have a great day" she smiled which I'm glad she didn't get into Chris picking me up that's a door I'm NOT ready to open.
I walked out the front door to see Chris sitting on his car.
"Morning" He smiled
"Morning Brown" I smiled back hugging him
He opened the car door for me, then got into his side.
The car ride there we just talked and listened to music.
We pulled up in front of school and seen the whole crew outside sitting on their cars, or goofing off.

"Wassup" Keeis gave me a dap
"Wassup" I replied sitting on the back of his car pulling Chase in front of me.
"What y'all do yesterday" Quera asked me and Chase
"Nothing" she smiled while I put my arms around her neck
"Rite" Quera laughed
"Whatever MOMS" Chase waved her off
"We gotta go Chris" Chase looked up at me
"Oh yea I for got" I said for real
"Yea I know now let's go" She laughed pulling me towards the building
"See you guys later gotta go to art" she yelled behind her
We were safe cause Mr. Nick wasn't here yet which was great cause I didn't wanna hear his mouth.
Chase was on her phone leaning against the wall
"What you doing?" I asked snaking my arm around her waist
"Nothing talking to my home girl" She laughed her head on my chest
Mr. Nick came and smiled at us.
"Aw isn't that cute?" He laughed unlocking the door
Chase sucked her teeth and then got up helping me up
"Get your fat but up brown" she laughed pulling my arm
"Extend your arms" I laughed
She let me go and walked into the classroom
I got up myself and went in also.
"Where everyone at?" I asked
"Rite here" Mr. Nick smiled
"So let me get this right, were" She pointed to me and her
"...Are the only two people in here?" she asked
"Correct Ms. Logan your smart" Mr. Nick
"Correct Mr. Nick I am and I'm smart enough to leave" she rolled her eyes and proceeded to walk away
"Go get her" Mr. Nick told me
I ran after her yelling her name
"CHASE!!" I yelled
"What brown?" she looked over her shoulder
"Come on you made me come but you leaving me over this dumb self?" I asked pulling her to me
"YES" she yelled
"Just calm down and come back with me" I smiled
"I need to know something?" she mocked me from last night
"Anything" I told her
"I need to know that you always gonna hold me down" she asked me with her big eyes
"Always" I smiled at her
"Thank you"
"No problem" I kissed her for head leaving my lips there for a while.
Sunday, August 5, 2012
Chapter 3: The crew
"So many look good in here
I don't even know which one I want
If I had to choose you all know
I would take all you all wit me
Who wanna try me on the floor
Who ready to come and get this
All I know I'm feeling this party
And you can see I'm so with it"- Chris brown
I don't even know which one I want
If I had to choose you all know
I would take all you all wit me
Who wanna try me on the floor
Who ready to come and get this
All I know I'm feeling this party
And you can see I'm so with it"- Chris brown
Everyone was leaving out of the school, but Chris and I. We had to stay and help for the 'art team' what ever that is.
I was sitting on top of the desk and Chris was on his phone, We're cool now you would think we were best friends how much we hang out and it's only been my second day here.
"Wassup bums" Ty came into the room with a crap load of people I'm guessing that's the 'crew'
"Wassup hommie" Chris gave him a dap and i gave him a warm smile
"You lucky i like someone else or i would be hollaing at you" Ty joked pulling me into a hug
"Ard ma" Chris started
"This Keeis" He pointed at this light skinned guy i waved at him and he waved back
"Hi" i waved at all them. I gotta mixtures of "Wassup. wassup good ma and Yerrps"
"Hi I'm Chase" I smiled at them
Kim smiled back while Jess grilled me oh boy let's not go there!!
I look over at Quera who expression matched mine: blank
Quera laughed and shook her head sitting on the table i made a mental note to ask her what's Jess problem later.
So Chase what brings you down to Miami, I heard you from New York" Trey ask me
I smiled and sat next to Quera pulling my legs up to my chest
"Well me and my dad lived in Brooklyn, while my mom lived out here she begged me to come and here i am" i said
"Oh that's wassup i like New York girls" Bow said
"You like anything girl" Mijo laughed then soon did everyone else
"So how are the girl's in New York" K-mac asked
"There all different, you got the ghetto ones, the ghetto Latinos and then the regular ones" i spoke
"And which one are you?" Jess asked smartly
I smiled at how much this girl is trying to act though
"I'm the regular ones that been through stuff, that ain't scared to act up if i need to" I told her I'm guessing Chris caught the vibe i was giving off cause he quickly changed the subject to some stupid sports game.
I could feel Jess grill the side of my face so i decide to smile at her to make her even more mad.
Me and Quera just laughed at her face, iono what she pressed for i don't even know the girl!
"So Chase you apart of the art team?" Kim asked me
"Yea but we haven't even had a meeting or anything" i told her
Just then Mr. Nick came in smiling
"Um Chris and Chase come here real quick please" he said
Chris and I got up and went into his second office closing the door behind us
"Um tomorrow we having a meeting at 6 so try and make this one please" he smiled
"You got it" i told him
"See check this out iono if i could.."
"He'll be here too" I cut Chris off
"You make sure of that I'm counting on you Ms. Logan" Mr.Nick throw his apple up and down
"Will do" and with that i pulled Chris out the office
"Why would you lie to that man when you know i ain't coming" he spoke
"I didn't cause you are coming" i smiled
"HA that's real cute Chase that really is, but I'm not" he said about to walk away but i pulled him back
"Come on just come so he can get off our backs" i told him
"Please for me i don't wanna be here by my self" i put on my puppy dog face
It took him a minute to answer
"Fine but you owe me" he pointed
"Anything thank you" i hugged him
We went back to where everyone else were, they were talking and joking.

I watched as Chase went over to Quera and Kim. Iono but i like Chase just the way she act's like she knows she's pretty but she doesn't scream it. She's goofy and kinda a geek but not one of those weired one's.
"Yo she cool" Bow said breaking me from my oceans of thoughts
"Yea she it tho and she's pretty" Keeis added
"A back up that's mine" Ty said
I gave him the 'yea right' look
"Now you know she don't like you" Mijo laughed, i just had to
he kissed his lips"Man everyone likes me" he said
Once again causing us to laugh
"Naw but you know Chris like her" Kriko came in
I just looked at him, I'm not about to sit here and flex and say I don't
They all just looked at me "Riteeee" they all said in unison
"What are we doing today?" Kim asked with the rest of the girls walked over to us
"Iono let's go to the fair" Ty said
"Turnt up" Keeis and Kirko yelled
"Come on let's go then" i said grabbing Chase hand
"Wait don't we have to tell Mr. Nick that we leaving?" she asked me i had to bend down just to hear he small tail
"No we can just leave" i told her
She just looked at me and then shook her head no
"No i think we should tell him so he won't be upset and i won't have to waist my time in here any longer son" she said crossing her arms over her chest
"Oh snap the New York coming outta her" Kirko cheered
"Ard then go tell him" i pointed to his door
"Fine then" she turned around and went right into his office
We waited while she was in there just talking, I notice that Jess was being rude which isn't new cause she always is. She ain't with me that's Keeis problem. But she better chill out cause if something pops off with her and Chase it's gonna be what it's gonna be.
Chase came out and then grabbed her keys
"Everything good?" I asked her
"Yea" she said simply and with that everyone headed to the parking lot
"Ard how we gonna do this?" Bow asked
"I'm ridding with Chase i didn't drive today" Quera said sitting on Chase car
"I'm ridding with Ty" Kirk spoke up
"Chase" Kim said sitting on her car too
"Chris" Bow called out
"Ty" Mijo said
"Chase" Keeis called
"Chris" Jess called out walking towards my car
"Ard then follow me" I told Chase she nodded her head and then unlock the doors
I unlocked the doors for them, Bow got in the front while Jess got in the back
I started the car while Cash outs Cashin' out played through my speakers
I pulled up in front of the fair
getting out, Chase and Ty pulled in after me.
"WOW" she let out closing the door
"You act like you never been to a fair" Quera pushed her
"I haven't not like this anyway" she pushed her and stuck her tougne out.
"Ard y'all find a biddie" Kim smiled
We all looked at her like 'chick please' lolx
"Just in case cause you know we all ain't gonna stay together and I ain't tryna get lost and have y'all leave me" she poke rolling her neck
"So with that being said we using the biddie system" she said snapping her fingers
Chase just busted out laughing she was gone
"Shut up Chase and get a partner" Ty mocked Kim
"Shut up Ty a go get some mouth wash" Chase told him laughing
"WORD" he came close to her
"Yea WORD" she mocked him backing up into me
I grabbed her and Ty started tickling "Let me go" she laughed
"Naw say sorry" Ty yelled
"Ard yo breath don't stank" she laughed even harder then he stopped
She turned to me and hit me in my stomach
"What was that for" i asked holding my stomach
"For helping your dumb friend" she laughed
So i hit Ty "Ouch bum" he yelled
"That's for messing with her so she can hit me" i laughed
"C'mon kids let's go" Jess said we all looked at her
"Come one before it closes" she rush us
"Don't rush" Quera pointed at her
Everyone fell silent as Chase pulled my hand walking away from them
"That Jess girl she better watch out before she get snatched up" she said simply trying on some sun glasses
"Yea Iono why she acting like that" I told her
She turned on her heels and looked at me
"You really don't know why?" she smiled
"Naw" i told her
"It's cause she likes you Chris" she said simply
Jess and i never been on that level, it's just on a hi and bye thing
"Well i don't like her" i told Chase
"Well SHE likes you" she laughed
"Why do you think this is funny?" i asked her not able to hold my laughter in any longer
"Cause it's funny to watch you sweat over this" she said walking past me
"Well it's not so help me out" i told her
"What am i suppose to do" she asked me with one eye brow raised
"Pretend to like me or something so she can get off my back" i asked her
She looked over at me with the blankest look on her face
"NO" she said
"Please you owe me anyway" I told her
"Fine brown" she said crossing her arms
"Thank you" i picked her up
"Put me down" she yelled
"You mad?" I asked
"Yes" she shot me a look
I just busted out laughing
"Why is this funny to you?" she asked me
"Cause i like to see you sweat over stuff like this" i mocked her
"Yea whatever let's go get on a roller coaster" she waved me off walking past me
I this was going to be fun not only am i getting Jess off my back but i really do like Chase and having her pretend to like me would be good for now anyway.

After we got off this crazy roller he asked me if i was hungry
"You hungry?" he asked helping me get down
"Um yes" i smiled at him
He order us hamburgers and fries
The crew came and met up with us, to eat too
"So Chris" Jess started while i ate until i felt Chris grab my lag under the table letting me know it's my time
"What you get on" she asked him
"Um well i got on a whole bunch of stuff with Chase" he said and then i put my head on his shoulder eating some fries
While 'the crew' smiled and awed
"Oh" she said kinda mad which made me laugh even harder
"What's funny?" Quera asked
"Nothing" i laughed again
"Your so silly" Kim laughed
The whole time we ate Jess kept staring at me and it was making me mad. Iono what her problem but she needs to check it
"You ready" Chris mumbled in my ear
"Yea it's getting cold out her anyway" i told him
"Here" he said handing me his jacket
"Thank you" i smiled
"No problem" he said opening my car door
I smiled at him once more before starting the car watching him walk over to his car. 'The crew' seems cool, but Jess maybe that's just a front and she'll act better Iono but Keeis and the rest are super cool and funny.
Me and Quera just laughed at her face, iono what she pressed for i don't even know the girl!
"So Chase you apart of the art team?" Kim asked me
"Yea but we haven't even had a meeting or anything" i told her
Just then Mr. Nick came in smiling
"Um Chris and Chase come here real quick please" he said
Chris and I got up and went into his second office closing the door behind us
"Um tomorrow we having a meeting at 6 so try and make this one please" he smiled
"You got it" i told him
"See check this out iono if i could.."
"He'll be here too" I cut Chris off
"You make sure of that I'm counting on you Ms. Logan" Mr.Nick throw his apple up and down
"Will do" and with that i pulled Chris out the office
"Why would you lie to that man when you know i ain't coming" he spoke
"I didn't cause you are coming" i smiled
"HA that's real cute Chase that really is, but I'm not" he said about to walk away but i pulled him back
"Come on just come so he can get off our backs" i told him
"Please for me i don't wanna be here by my self" i put on my puppy dog face
It took him a minute to answer
"Fine but you owe me" he pointed
"Anything thank you" i hugged him
We went back to where everyone else were, they were talking and joking.

I watched as Chase went over to Quera and Kim. Iono but i like Chase just the way she act's like she knows she's pretty but she doesn't scream it. She's goofy and kinda a geek but not one of those weired one's.
"Yo she cool" Bow said breaking me from my oceans of thoughts
"Yea she it tho and she's pretty" Keeis added
"A back up that's mine" Ty said
I gave him the 'yea right' look
"Now you know she don't like you" Mijo laughed, i just had to
he kissed his lips"Man everyone likes me" he said
Once again causing us to laugh
"Naw but you know Chris like her" Kriko came in
I just looked at him, I'm not about to sit here and flex and say I don't
They all just looked at me "Riteeee" they all said in unison
"What are we doing today?" Kim asked with the rest of the girls walked over to us
"Iono let's go to the fair" Ty said
"Turnt up" Keeis and Kirko yelled
"Come on let's go then" i said grabbing Chase hand
"Wait don't we have to tell Mr. Nick that we leaving?" she asked me i had to bend down just to hear he small tail
"No we can just leave" i told her
She just looked at me and then shook her head no
"No i think we should tell him so he won't be upset and i won't have to waist my time in here any longer son" she said crossing her arms over her chest
"Oh snap the New York coming outta her" Kirko cheered
"Ard then go tell him" i pointed to his door
"Fine then" she turned around and went right into his office
We waited while she was in there just talking, I notice that Jess was being rude which isn't new cause she always is. She ain't with me that's Keeis problem. But she better chill out cause if something pops off with her and Chase it's gonna be what it's gonna be.
Chase came out and then grabbed her keys
"Everything good?" I asked her
"Yea" she said simply and with that everyone headed to the parking lot
"Ard how we gonna do this?" Bow asked
"I'm ridding with Chase i didn't drive today" Quera said sitting on Chase car
"I'm ridding with Ty" Kirk spoke up
"Chase" Kim said sitting on her car too
"Chris" Bow called out
"Ty" Mijo said
"Chase" Keeis called
"Chris" Jess called out walking towards my car
"Ard then follow me" I told Chase she nodded her head and then unlock the doors
I unlocked the doors for them, Bow got in the front while Jess got in the back
I started the car while Cash outs Cashin' out played through my speakers
I pulled up in front of the fair
getting out, Chase and Ty pulled in after me.
"WOW" she let out closing the door
"You act like you never been to a fair" Quera pushed her
"I haven't not like this anyway" she pushed her and stuck her tougne out.
"Ard y'all find a biddie" Kim smiled
We all looked at her like 'chick please' lolx
"Just in case cause you know we all ain't gonna stay together and I ain't tryna get lost and have y'all leave me" she poke rolling her neck
"So with that being said we using the biddie system" she said snapping her fingers
Chase just busted out laughing she was gone
"Shut up Chase and get a partner" Ty mocked Kim
"Shut up Ty a go get some mouth wash" Chase told him laughing
"WORD" he came close to her
"Yea WORD" she mocked him backing up into me
I grabbed her and Ty started tickling "Let me go" she laughed
"Naw say sorry" Ty yelled
"Ard yo breath don't stank" she laughed even harder then he stopped
She turned to me and hit me in my stomach
"What was that for" i asked holding my stomach
"For helping your dumb friend" she laughed
So i hit Ty "Ouch bum" he yelled
"That's for messing with her so she can hit me" i laughed
"C'mon kids let's go" Jess said we all looked at her
"Come one before it closes" she rush us
"Don't rush" Quera pointed at her
Everyone fell silent as Chase pulled my hand walking away from them
"That Jess girl she better watch out before she get snatched up" she said simply trying on some sun glasses
"Yea Iono why she acting like that" I told her
She turned on her heels and looked at me
"You really don't know why?" she smiled
"Naw" i told her
"It's cause she likes you Chris" she said simply
Jess and i never been on that level, it's just on a hi and bye thing
"Well i don't like her" i told Chase
"Well SHE likes you" she laughed
"Why do you think this is funny?" i asked her not able to hold my laughter in any longer
"Cause it's funny to watch you sweat over this" she said walking past me
"Well it's not so help me out" i told her
"What am i suppose to do" she asked me with one eye brow raised
"Pretend to like me or something so she can get off my back" i asked her
She looked over at me with the blankest look on her face
"NO" she said
"Please you owe me anyway" I told her
"Fine brown" she said crossing her arms
"Thank you" i picked her up
"Put me down" she yelled
"You mad?" I asked
"Yes" she shot me a look
I just busted out laughing
"Why is this funny to you?" she asked me
"Cause i like to see you sweat over stuff like this" i mocked her
"Yea whatever let's go get on a roller coaster" she waved me off walking past me
I this was going to be fun not only am i getting Jess off my back but i really do like Chase and having her pretend to like me would be good for now anyway.

After we got off this crazy roller he asked me if i was hungry
"You hungry?" he asked helping me get down
"Um yes" i smiled at him
He order us hamburgers and fries
The crew came and met up with us, to eat too
"So Chris" Jess started while i ate until i felt Chris grab my lag under the table letting me know it's my time
"What you get on" she asked him
"Um well i got on a whole bunch of stuff with Chase" he said and then i put my head on his shoulder eating some fries
While 'the crew' smiled and awed
"Oh" she said kinda mad which made me laugh even harder
"What's funny?" Quera asked
"Nothing" i laughed again
"Your so silly" Kim laughed
The whole time we ate Jess kept staring at me and it was making me mad. Iono what her problem but she needs to check it
"You ready" Chris mumbled in my ear
"Yea it's getting cold out her anyway" i told him
"Here" he said handing me his jacket
"Thank you" i smiled
"No problem" he said opening my car door
I smiled at him once more before starting the car watching him walk over to his car. 'The crew' seems cool, but Jess maybe that's just a front and she'll act better Iono but Keeis and the rest are super cool and funny.
I can't STAND when people sit here and talk all day long about Chris Brown, but swear up and down that they don't like him!
They sit here on all these social websites and talk about him, and his girlfriend about how they not happy, and all this extra jazz like how would you know? So here are some of my reactions to them.
1)To Chris and the whole Rhianna thing, and they made a song together (so)

2) to people that say they don't like Kae but spend all day talking about her! like shut up already then!

3) the whole Chris and drake "fight"! it wasn't a fight cause Drake ran, so there for there wasn't any fight so STOP talking about it! like neither one of the care why should they. Chris album was high on the billboard and so was Drake's so why would they care?!

4) the whole he's a punk thing....o.O really?!

5) "Chris and Rhianna should be back together" HAHAHA...NO

6) "Drake would beat him up"....o.O

7) And lastly I'm so TIRED of y'all talking about Kea and Rhianna like y'all keep saying "Teamchrianna vs. TeamChrae" like there's no such thing! STOP with the fairy tales and get over your self! please for the sake of the Internet and lastly ME.

"Dislicking someone doesn't make you a hater, speaking about it all the time even when nobody asks you about it, makes you a hater"
They sit here on all these social websites and talk about him, and his girlfriend about how they not happy, and all this extra jazz like how would you know? So here are some of my reactions to them.
1)To Chris and the whole Rhianna thing, and they made a song together (so)
2) to people that say they don't like Kae but spend all day talking about her! like shut up already then!
3) the whole Chris and drake "fight"! it wasn't a fight cause Drake ran, so there for there wasn't any fight so STOP talking about it! like neither one of the care why should they. Chris album was high on the billboard and so was Drake's so why would they care?!
4) the whole he's a punk thing....o.O really?!
5) "Chris and Rhianna should be back together" HAHAHA...NO
6) "Drake would beat him up"....o.O
7) And lastly I'm so TIRED of y'all talking about Kea and Rhianna like y'all keep saying "Teamchrianna vs. TeamChrae" like there's no such thing! STOP with the fairy tales and get over your self! please for the sake of the Internet and lastly ME.
"Dislicking someone doesn't make you a hater, speaking about it all the time even when nobody asks you about it, makes you a hater"
Thursday, August 2, 2012
Chapter 2: Act funny
"Now every girl I've been with (been with) after you
Baby it just ain't the same (no-no, no-no, no-no)
Recently I had a girl and her name was Nikki
But she left me cause I called your name (no-no no-no)
I been on that rebound tip
I can't believe that you got me feeling like this
And every other morning it's your face that I miss
Man ya boy's sick
Cause shawty was a 10
But I was on that bull when I was with you"- Chris Brown
Baby it just ain't the same (no-no, no-no, no-no)
Recently I had a girl and her name was Nikki
But she left me cause I called your name (no-no no-no)
I been on that rebound tip
I can't believe that you got me feeling like this
And every other morning it's your face that I miss
Man ya boy's sick
Cause shawty was a 10
But I was on that bull when I was with you"- Chris Brown

-Later that day-
After leaving music class which was my last class of the day, i went into the parking lot to go home, after what the whole lunch thing i just wanted to go home!!
I was walking to my car when i felt someone pull on my arm, turning me around only to come face to face with Ty.
"Yes how may i help you Mr. Stevenson" i asked calling him by his last name like i do when ever i get mad at him
"Come on Quera stop acting funny" he said still holding my arm
"I'm not acting funny YOUR the one who was acting funny yesterday" i yanked my arm back
He kissed his lips "Come on and i said sorry to you about it Quera"
"Micheal i don't want you feel sorry because you think I'm gonna be your friend again, you need to say it cause you mean it" I told him there's one thing about me imma keep it 100 with any and everyone so don't come around me thinking otherwise just cause your my friend.
"And i do mean it" he said grabbing my arm again
"Doesn't matter Ty what's done is what's done" i said simply heading to my car driving away. I hope Chase and Chris don't end up like this that's why i was so pressed on them talking, If you really like someone you shouldn't hold back it's up to you.
* Ty

I just sat there watching her pull of i blew it BIG time with Quera.
Yesterday was never meant to happen nor for her to see, but she was right what what was done was done, can't take it back even if i wanted to ever so badly.
"CRAP" i yelled out laud putting my head in my hands
Some people that walked by just looked at me, I hopped of the trunk off my car and got in.
I tried calling Quera but she forward me to voice mail
I knew what i had to do to fix this, i went through my contacts pressing her name, only for her to answer on the 3rd ring.
"Hello" she replied
"Don't hello me where you at" i asked getting heated
"Home why?" she asked smarty
"Cause we need to talk, you messed everything up with me and Quera" i yelled she laughed
"And how i do that it ain't my fault you lied to her" she replied
"Man shut up I'll be over there in 20 minutes" i replied hanging up before she could say something else that would set me off.
I gotta prove to Quera that she can trust me and that i do like her cause once again I think she's under the impression that i don't like her, when i clearly do. Same old just a different day.

-The next day-
I woke up with the sun shinning bright into my eyes, I got up pulling my blankets back on the bed before heading to my bathroom
I took a long OD bath getting all the dirt off me, after about 39 minutes later i got out. I pulled my curling iron out then brushed my teeth and then washed my face. I then did my hair, then picked out some clothes for today. Which was: a pair of skinnies with homes in the holes in them, white a white over the shoulder shirt
with some cheetah print heels with matching bag.
I cut all my lights off heading down stairs to see my mommy drinking some coffee.
"Hi mommy" i kissed her check
"You look nice" she smiled
"Thank you i try" i smiled sinking my teeth into an green apple
"Who you trying to impress?" she smiled
"No one" i replied
"Yea that Chris guy" she smiled
"No mama" i smiled he thought i was 'ugly' so why would i try to impress him?
Never the less i grabbed my mom's car key's kissing her check again.
When i made it to school i seen Quera at her locker, laughing.
"Wassup babies" she smiled at me with her pretty dimples
"Hi babe" i smiled back Quera and i got pretty close yesterday afternoon we spent talking for hours on in about random stuff.
"You think you sexy?" she smiled
"Yup-Yup" I joked
"You ain't cute" she laughed again
She i know she's playing that's why I'm not mad at her
"And you are" i asked with one eyebrow raised playing
"Girl I'm hot" she put her hands up showing me her outfit
"Yea you are" I smiled
"I know thank you" she laughed pulling my arm
We went into our first lesson, there was a sub in here this time and as soon as i came in i seen Ty and Mijo sitting on the desk talking and goofing off. I turned around and in swift movement i bumped into someone.
"OMG I'm so sorry" i said not knowing who the person was but just saying it cause i truly was
"You good shawty" and with that i looked up to see Chris and out of no where i started blushing.
"My bad" i said one last time
He just smiled at me sitting next to Ty and Mijo with some other people I don't know
I went into the hall, to go to my lock i totally forgot talking to Quera didn't help either.
I went back into the class while Mijo pulled me a chair up
"You look good today" Ty smiled at me
"Thank you" I smiled
"Yea you do look good" Chris smiled again
"Why thank you kindly" I laughed
"Shouldn't we be doing our work" i asked
"No why he ain't here" Ty yelled and everyone laughed
"Where's Quera" Mijo asked
"Um she went to some thing for the dance team" i told them
Just then Mr. Nick came in pointing to Chris and me
"Can i have you two please" he asked me and Chris
And then i remembered that i didn't come early for that morning class and to my looks Chris didn't come either
"Yea" i nodded my head getting up with Chris following behind me
We walked down to the art class room, and then sat on the desk
"What happened this morning?" he asked putting his feet on the desk
"It totally slipped my mind" i told him truthfully
"And as in for you Chris?" he looked over at Chris who was sitting next to me
"Um i had basketball practice this morning" he said rubbing the back of his neck
This was about to me a long day i thought to myself while Mr. Nick went on and on about how we would benefit from this class.
Funny acting! Ty and Quera was acting funny and iono why.
Here me and Ty was standing in the gym waiting for Qurea to come out the locker room.
After Chris and Chase left, so did we. We just got up and left.
And speaking of them Chris and Chase are acting funny too. Yesterday Chase wanted nothing to do with him and today she blushing? I think they like each other, better yet i know they like each other.
Quera walked over to us frowning "What can i help you with?" she said more so to Ty.
He just laughed at her and puller her arm where they could take, yea see they act too funny for me.....
I was getting tired of Quera's antics, all yesterday after i talked to Samia i tried Quera's phone all afternoon and she just kept declining it.
"What Micheal?" she snapped
"Stop calling me that, and stop being mad at me" i sat her down on the stands
"That's what you came in here to tell me, is to stop being mad" she asked with her hands up to her mouth
"Man come on stop acting funny and keep it real with me keep it 100" i told her
I could tell that she got taken back by it cause she didn't say anything.
She just laughed "You a scared made bum" and with that she walked off.
Man i know Quera hard to work with but i mean come on she ain't even giving me the time of the day.
Man because Chase and I didn't come this morning, he had us clean up the art room and then grade some papers for our first 2 lessons, then we gotta come back!
"Where the spray at" Chase asked cleaning the tables
"Right here" i handed it to her
She sprayed the table and then me!
"Mu bad" she put her hands up to her mouth
"Don't be sorry ma" i said taking the bottle out of her hand and spraying her
"REALLY CHRIS?" she yelled
"Yes really" i laughed
She smacked me in the back of my head and then stepped on my foot
"You dirty" i laughed pushing her softly
"No your dirty let me clean you" she said spraying me again touching me with that dirty hand towel
We was just playing around not even cleaning just acting funny.
Mr. Nick came in and seen us horsing around and flipped his wig.
"After lunch come back i have more work for you to do" he said hard
Me and Chase walked past him laughing.
"Is something funny" he asked
"No" she laughed casing me to laugh
We went into the painting room to clean the brushed and water.
In there we just talked about random stuff, she was really cool
"What you think about Megan Fox" i asked
"She's pretty and she played the heck out of Transformers" she said whipping her hands
"Yea she bad" i agreed
"Okay Megan or Nick?" she asked
"Most def Nicki" i laughed
she just shook her head laughing
"What?" i asked
"Nothing i look better than both of them" she laughed
"Yea you do" i smiled
"But yesterday i was ard" she said
"Naw see you got it wrong i was just playing i think you pretty, i think your beautiful" i told her. I watch her face light up
"Thank you i felt really bad yesterday" she admitted to me
"I didn't know" i sat down
"Well it's cool now" she said
We headed to lunch, and sat with Ty, Quera and Mijo.
"Where y'all been" Quera asked us
"Man art helping Mr. Nick" i answered
"For what?" Ty asked
"Iono some art team" Chase answered sounding just like him
"Ewe that's cray" Mijo laughed
"Y'all two getting along" Quera said well more so to Chase
She nodded her head yes
"Yall so funny acting" Mijo said
"How" i asked
"You and Ty along with Chase and Quera" he threw his bottle cap at me and his spoon at Ty
"You just mad cause you don't have nobody to act funny with" Ty laughed breaking his spoon and throwing it back at him
"Yea whatever" Mijo waved him off
After lunch we went back to art and graded some papers.
Then our art class started, we had to paint lord know what.
"Hey Breezy" Jen smiled
"Hey" i said
"I gotta ask you something?" i asked
He whole face lite up and she smiled oh-so hard
"Anything breezy" she smiled
"Um you know where Chase at?" i asked
Her face hit the floor, and she mugged me a little but answered her face, priceless!
"She right here" she said getting up to go tap Chase on the shoulder.
Chase got up and walked over to my table
"Wassup brown" she smiled
"You staying after class?" i asked
"I have too and so do you so don't think about leaving me" she hit my chest
"Ouch i don't want to tho" i laughed
"Well too bad if i have to you do too"
"Well I'm telling the crew to stay too" i told her talking out my phone
"Okay sounds good to me" she Kayne shrugged and walked to her seat.
This is about to be fun, I know the crew was going to love her she's just a female version of me.
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