"17 tight jeans yes she bout it,
white t pretty teeth yea she got em'
Her body demands your attention,
she keep it gutter man"-Chris brown
*Chase Logan 
-Being the new kid sucks right?.....Right. I've only been in Miami for about 15 hours, and I'm ready to go back to New York son, but I'm guessing there's no turning back cause I'm already on the school grounds.
I hop out my mama's car cause she insisted that she took me to school to she the 'happy look' on my face. Yea mama where's the happy look now?
"Bye baby have a good day, and make a lot of friends" she yelled out the window
I quickly look around seeing if people was around, she's acting like it's my first day of high school.
"Okay mom bye-bye now" i rushed her hopping she gets the hint and leave!
"Oh okay baby call me when it's over I'll pick you up" she smiles and wave again
I waved at her and watch her pull off in her all white 2012 BMW
I made my way up the stairs of the school looking for the main office. I seen two guys walking so i decide to ask them.
"Um do you mind telling my where the main office is" I smiled at them
"Do you mind telling me your name shawty" This light skinned boy covered in tattoo's asked
The other guy he was with laughed "Man watch out" he looked at the boy
"Excuse his dumbness, but it's up the hall to your left" he then smiled
I smiled back looking over at the other kid that asked for my name
"I'm Ty and you are baby?" he grabbed my hand kissing it
I moved my hand away laughing a little before speaking see I've only been here a while and I'm ready to GO.
"I'm Chase not your baby" I replied to him
His friend laughed as he watch my face turn up
"Dang ma you smart but you cute" 'Ty' if that's his real name said
I just flash him a fake smile before excusing myself making my way to the office.
When i went inside a husky woman was at the desk smiling
"Hi honey what can i do you for" she waved me over
"Hi I'm here to find out my classes" i smiled sitting my bag in my lap
"Okay name" she asked with her eyes on the computer screen
"Chase Morgan" she typed really fast on the key board
"Okay i have the classes you picked out online all i have to do is print them" she smiled rolling her chair to the printer handing me the parer to me.
"Thank you ma'am" i smiled at her
"No problem baby if you don't like your classes you can always change them" she smiled again
And with that i made my way to Biology a class i already took, but it was easy so i had no problem taking it again.
I went into the class with all eyes on me that's why i hate being the new chick cause all eyes are always on me.
"DANG" i said walking to the teachers desk handing him my paper
"Hi your name sweaty" he asked
"Chase Logan" i mumbled not looking at him
"Okay i want you to sit next to...." he trialled off looking around the class "Next to CHRIS" he says
I looked around to see who he was talking about
"Chris raise your hands please" he asked and a light skinned boy raise his hand. I made my way to the group table where those two guys i seen in the hall way sitting there with some girl and CHRIS who ever that is.
I sit down and once again all eyes fell on me, then they fell down to my shoes, they act like they never seen a girl wear J's before.
A guy laughed he had a piercing in the middle of his nose looking like a bull
"Hey I'm Mijo" he smiled
"Hey Chase" i smiled back
The girl that was sitting next to him smiled at me she had some pretty huge dimples.
"Hi I'm Quera"
"Hi" i waved shyly smiling
"And we already met baby" Ty licked his lips
This kid it...... wasn't like he was ugly cause he wasn't, but he was to skinny for me son.
I looked over at 'CHRIS' who seemed like he was uninterested in my presents.
I guess they saw me starring at him and the laughed
"What" he asked looking up from his daze
When he seen me he smiled a little before looking back at the board
"This kid he at the deep end"Ty threw something at him
"Aboy chill" he laughed throwing it back, then soon they started play fighting and talking trash while i sat there looking at them. See this is the type of stuff that make me wanna go home and hang out with my own friends.
"So Chase girl where you from?" Quera asked
"Brooklyn" i said
"Oh snap New York got that swag" Mijo smiled
" Shut up Mijo" she smacked the back of his head
"Dang son i heard that" i laughed a little
"I'm saying" Chris chimed in after him and Ty stopped throwing paper
"Shut up you can get it too" she smiled
"Girl you always trying to hit somebody but you ain't about that life" Chris rolled up his sleeve like he about to do something
causing us to laugh "This ain't what you want" she laughed
He flicked his finger on her nose HARD and Ty jumped put his seat yelling
"Bahaha YOU ain't about that life" Ty yelled throwing his arms up in the air
I was just laughing to myself this kids....O.o okay
"You want some too lil mama" Chris looked at me
I had to laugh at him if he think he about to flick my nose yo he gotta another thing coming son.
"Naw I'm good please and thank you" i smiled a little
"Yea she from New York and she BOUT that LIFE" Mijo yelled
"Man please Imma make her wish she was back in New York son" Chris mocked me i see he's a jokester like myself he should be fun
"Oh you think yo?" i asked with a eye brow raised
"Come New York you ain't ready for this V.A hands" he laughed
Oh he's from V.A i like that reminds me of my RATCHET BOO Yanna from V.A they BANG up there!!!
"Oh V.A in the building" i smiled
"Yea ma you ain't check the swag" he fixed his hat
"Naw mainly cause you don't have any" i laughed
"Aw you cold" he laughed holding his chest
"I'm sorry i don't care" i laughed again
"Yo my baby goes in" Ty said sitting back next to me
"Who yo baby" Qeura asked him
"Chase" he smiled at me cutely
I looked at him moving his face side to side looking at him
"You ard i guess" i laughed
He swatted my hand away laughing "You so cold, but you fine tho" he laughed I just blushed looking away
"She know she bad that's why she blushing" Mijo smiled which i returned
"She ain't all that" Chris replied blankly
Um rude much?!!
Ty kissed his lips "Man she's all that"
I just sat quite that kinda hurt ted my feelings Chris is a jerk and i know even know him like that.
We sat there doing our work, well i sat there doing my work not really wanting to be around these people any more.
WELCOME TO MIAMI Chase welcome to Miami
*Chris Brown

Iono what happened we was just playing and the laughs were going, Man Chase was beautifully and she's play full. My type of girl
"You so cold, but you fine tho" Ty smiled at her, she turned away blushing
"She know she bad that's why she blushing" Mijo laughed
"She ain't all that" i teased trying to keep a straight face
"Man she's all that" Ty kissed his lips
She just started on her work, not talking to us anymore when the bell rung she was the first one up and out.
I looked back at Mijo and Quera to see what i did wrong
"You so stupid" Quera replied getting up too
Iono what i did wrong so i looked at Mijo
"Man you dumb" he laughed getting up too
I kissed my lips not knowing what just happened so i walked out heading to Spanish where i seen Chase. She was talking to the teacher, Ms. Mendez saw me coming in and pointed
"...This is my star student Chris he'll help you this week" she smiled
Chase just rolled her eyes and looking at the door
I walked her over to my seat, she took a seat next to me
"Sooo" i started but she didn't say anything
"So New York huh" i finally let out
she just looked at me blankly then down at her phone
"What's wrong with you" i asked
she kissed her lips "Nothing" she said smartly
"Man you need to take that up the street" i said getting annoyed she acting like i did something to her
"Shut up" she mumbled whipping her finger across her screen
i kissed my lips and she looked up at me still blankly
"What?" i snapped
"I know you ain't talking to me like that son" she said and her accent went flying out which was sexy
"Man watch out" i leaned back in my seat
She kissed her lips again mumbled something like
"Butt hurt people"
"Why you acting like that?" i asked
she looked up at me "Iono maybe cause i don't fit your standards"
"What are you talking about" i asked
"Nothing doesn't matter to me i won't be here for long" that's all she said before putting her head phones in for the rest of the class
Iono what she talking about i hope it ain't about that little joke i made about her being 'ugly'. Cause she most def not. Here goes my chance out the window.
After Spanish we headed to lunch, and when i saw we i mean me, Ty, and Mijo iono where Quera went.
We got out lunch and headed to our table when the came in
They got there lunch Chase went walking in the other direction when Quera pulled her arm to our table.
This should be fun.
*Quera Lambert

Man it's clear that Chase and Chris like each other so iono why they acting so butt hurt about talking to each other.
I pulled Chase to our table, i sat down feeling Ty looking at my food he always EATING.
"What?" i snapped
"You gonna eat yo hamburger?" he asked
"Do you love yo mama? then imma eat my burger" i snapped again
"DANG chill you ape" he throw his fork at me
See man he always playing that's his problem
"STOP TYGA" i yelled getting annoyed at this child
"shut up" he laughed
I can't stand when people talk back i always have to have the last word.
"bahaha nothing" i fake smiled at him
He kissed his lips returning to his food. That's what i thought scared made hommie.
"Man y'all just need to shut up and go out" Mijo laughed thinking it's funny but i don't
Ty smiled at me sweetly "I mean Quera bad"
This kid on that stuff see he's crazy, how you gonna go to talking about me then to saying I'm "bad"?...o.O
"Shut up Ty" i mumbled eating my fries talking to Mijo
He licked his lips before proceeding to talk
"Why you so mean?" he asked me
"I'm not you just get on my nerves" i replied dryly
He thinks i forgot what happened yesterday he will never know how much he hurt me, he will never know.....

Everyone was talking enjoying themselves, but i kept to myself.
I was texting my girl Yanna from back home.
my baby: what's up shawty
me: nothing ready to go home**
my baby: why? who popping off at the mouth, cause you know I'll be there in 10 minutes
i laughed out laud cause she really would she's crazy and that's why i love her.
me: NO ratchet boo stay put! theres nothing i can't handle, but yessss am i pretty?**
my baby: CHASE MARIE LOGAN am i a girl? heck yes i am so yes you are pretty
I smiled down at the message feeling a little better I'm very insecure, it goes way back to when i was a child. So when Chris said that it hurt my feelings and the worst part is i couldn't tell if he was joking.
I placed my phone into my bag looking up noticing 3 more guys standing at the table.
"Hi lil mama" one said to me
I waved at them smiling not wanting to be rude
"Hi" i said shyly
"Wassup" Chris smiled iono why he saying wassup he's been sitting here with me the whole time
"Hi Chris" i said dryly
His boys laughed and shook their head
"What y'all laughing for" he looked up at them
"Cause she NEW and she don't even like you" one kid said with pretty eyes he was smaller than the rest but him and Ty was around the same size
he kissed his lips "That's for now" he mumbled think i couldn't hear him.
the bell rung and everyone went their separate ways i had two more lessons left and then it's home sweet home, kinda.....
I was sitting in my last class now and it's been the regular "What's your name?, What school you came from?" all that extra jazz.
i hate being the new kid man, see now they have me sitting in this art class shadowing this girl like I'm slow like i don't know how to DRAW that's why I'm in this class for.
"You have to draw that" the girl pointed like I'm stupid
I nodded my head taking out a art pencil drawing the 'Mona Lisa'
"Oh yes girl breezy it fine" she said talking to another girl
they've been talking about this 'breezy' kid the whole class He must look like haven cause they way they talking about him you would think he was a god.
I just tuned them out putting my head phones in listening to some tupac 'dear mama'
The teacher came around picking up the paper he tapped my shoulder, when i looked up i was amazed at how young he looked
"You drew this?" he asked
I took my head phones out my ear looking up at him
"Yes" i nodded my head
"What grade are you in" he asked
"12th" i replied
"Can you stay after class?" he asked
GREAT 'the new kid' already about to get in trouble, about 15 minutes later the bell rung and kids went skip, hopping outta there seats heading to the door, while i sat there waiting for him to talk.
"Yes what's your name" he asked putting his feet on the desk he acted really young.
"Chase" i said lowly
"Did you take art before?" he asked throwing a football up and catching it
"Yea i took one back home in..."
"Mr. Nick how long do i have to stay in here" Chris came in the class
he looked at him and then me before speaking
"As long as i want you too" he replied leaning back in his chair
Chris took a deep break rubbing his hand over his face, he was something beautiful.
"Now Chase art you said you took an art class where" Mr Nick asked making me tear my gaze from Chris
"Um back home in New York" i finished
"Well i would love if you join our art team" he smiled
ART TEAM never heard of it
"Iono what that is" i replied
"Well it's where i take some of the best artist and work with them the whole year" he smiled again
Chris sucked his teeth looking at his phone
"Um what if i say no thanks" i said to him
"Then you end up in detention like him" he pointed at Chris
I nodded my head slowly trying to process that if i say no i will have detention.
"Fine" i muttered looking down at my J's
His lips pressed into a smile "That's great" he clapped him hands together
I got my stuff ready to leave "Wait Ms. Logan wait i want to give you the news letter" he said
I rolled my eyes he's waisting my time, I'm just ready to kick my shoes off and eat some pizza
"Now you are you gonna join" he said to Chris
"Naw I'm cool" Chris replied not looking up from his phone
"Why? you think you too cool for school" Mr. Nick asked getting up from his chair and sitting on his desk
Chris laughed licking his lips "Naw i just got better things to do that's all"
"Rite so you think trying to talk to girls that don't want you is better than being in art" Mr. Nick said making me laugh
Chris cut his eyes at me before replying to him
"And you think stalking your students trying to get them in this power puff girl art class is better?" Chris questioned with his eye brow raised
I laughed fixing my bag on my shoulder replying to my mom's text telling her not to pick me up.
"I got it Chris if you think it's power puff girl art why don't you come in and show us the hard stuff" Mr. nick used air quotes
"Naw" Chris replied
"I'll even give you extra credit" he tried to barging with him
"Why do you even want me in this class, you said so the other day that I'm a slacker" Chris said
"Cause you are you can be the smartest kid in this school, and you have the most talent i have ever seen, but you don't do anything with it cause you trying to be too cool" Mr. Nick said really passionate about what he was saying
Chris clenched his jaw i guess getting mad.

Man Mr. Nick is getting on my nerves, he's been stalking me for a week now trying to get me to join his art art class. I DON'T WANT TO iono what he not getting.
"All I'm saying is come to one class" he finally said
"Ard fine DANG" i yelled dismissing his comment
He smiled knowing he just won
"You too young lady" he looked over at Chase
"when is it?" she asked
"Tomorrow we meet twice or when ever i need you" he said
see I'm not here for that talking about when he need us, what can you possible need for us.
Chase kissed her lips
"Is there a problem where's you can't make it?" Mr. Nick asked
she rolled her eyes "Naw I'm just not understanding the point of this at all" she said saying the same thing I've been saying
"That's what I'm saying" i said sitting on top of the desk
"Oh so y'all trying to gang up on me" He laughed
We just looked at him like yea what you think?
"Because it's not only a way to work on your art it teaches you life skills and how to intact with other people that have the same passion that you have" he spoke
"Life skills?" i questioned
"Yes just come tomorrow at 6am" he said
See now i gotta get outta here "Ard" i said just going with whatever this man say so he can let me leave
"You too Chase" he said
"Fine" she muttered
"Thanks for your time" he clapped his hands smiling
"Whatever" i mumbled getting my keys
Chase was long gone, when i reached the front she was walking down the road.
"You need a ride" i asked slowing down rolling my window down
"No thank you" she said not looking at me
"ard ma I'm just gonna ride along side you" i smiled
she turned and looked at me
"What do you want from me" she asked with her arms crossed
"For you to get in the car I'm not gonna hurt you ma" i smiled
she rolled her eye and kissed her lips "You know you don't wanna walk anyway" i smiled again
"Whatever" she starts walking again
I rode along side of her like i said i was, she stopped and looked at me
"If you give me a ride, then will you leave me alone" she asked
"Yea" i smiled at the fact that i just won her over
She climbed in the front seat sitting her bag on her lap, buckling her seat belt
"Where we off to" i asked pulling off
she put her address in my GPS not saying a word to me
"Yo what did i do to you?" i asked
"Nothing just drive me home please and thank you" she said looking out the window
I sighed knowing that i upset her, but knowing on what tho.
15 minutes later i pulled up in front of her house
She got out and a woman I'm guessing her moms was standing in the door way smiling at me
"Hey momma" she smiled meeting her mother half way
"Hi baby, who's this?" she asked pointing to me
"Um this is Chris he offered to take me home" she mumbled
"Oh well thank you Chris for taking my baby home" she smiled at me i can see where Chase get her looks from.
"No problem Ms.Logan" i replied
"No please call me Nichole" she smiled again
Chase sucked her teeth about to walk into the house
"What i can't meet your friends" she asked innocently
"phs he's not my friend and yes mama you can do what ever you want love bucket" she spoke
"OUCH we're not friends I'm hurt Chase" i pretend to be hurt
"Yea i bet" she scowled before walking in the house
"I'm sorry and thanks once again for taking her home" her mom smiled if i didn't have a chance with Chase i hope i have a chance with her mom.. I only kidd
I started my car again once i seen that her mom made it in the house and with that i made it down the rode to my house.
I really like the new kid she's cute and funny i just gotta show her that i do, cause for some reason I'm feeling that she's under the impression that i don't like her, and
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