"So many look good in here
I don't even know which one I want
If I had to choose you all know
I would take all you all wit me
Who wanna try me on the floor
Who ready to come and get this
All I know I'm feeling this party
And you can see I'm so with it"- Chris brown
I don't even know which one I want
If I had to choose you all know
I would take all you all wit me
Who wanna try me on the floor
Who ready to come and get this
All I know I'm feeling this party
And you can see I'm so with it"- Chris brown
Everyone was leaving out of the school, but Chris and I. We had to stay and help for the 'art team' what ever that is.
I was sitting on top of the desk and Chris was on his phone, We're cool now you would think we were best friends how much we hang out and it's only been my second day here.
"Wassup bums" Ty came into the room with a crap load of people I'm guessing that's the 'crew'
"Wassup hommie" Chris gave him a dap and i gave him a warm smile
"You lucky i like someone else or i would be hollaing at you" Ty joked pulling me into a hug
"Ard ma" Chris started
"This Keeis" He pointed at this light skinned guy i waved at him and he waved back
"Hi" i waved at all them. I gotta mixtures of "Wassup. wassup good ma and Yerrps"
"Hi I'm Chase" I smiled at them
Kim smiled back while Jess grilled me oh boy let's not go there!!
I look over at Quera who expression matched mine: blank
Quera laughed and shook her head sitting on the table i made a mental note to ask her what's Jess problem later.
So Chase what brings you down to Miami, I heard you from New York" Trey ask me
I smiled and sat next to Quera pulling my legs up to my chest
"Well me and my dad lived in Brooklyn, while my mom lived out here she begged me to come and here i am" i said
"Oh that's wassup i like New York girls" Bow said
"You like anything girl" Mijo laughed then soon did everyone else
"So how are the girl's in New York" K-mac asked
"There all different, you got the ghetto ones, the ghetto Latinos and then the regular ones" i spoke
"And which one are you?" Jess asked smartly
I smiled at how much this girl is trying to act though
"I'm the regular ones that been through stuff, that ain't scared to act up if i need to" I told her I'm guessing Chris caught the vibe i was giving off cause he quickly changed the subject to some stupid sports game.
I could feel Jess grill the side of my face so i decide to smile at her to make her even more mad.
Me and Quera just laughed at her face, iono what she pressed for i don't even know the girl!
"So Chase you apart of the art team?" Kim asked me
"Yea but we haven't even had a meeting or anything" i told her
Just then Mr. Nick came in smiling
"Um Chris and Chase come here real quick please" he said
Chris and I got up and went into his second office closing the door behind us
"Um tomorrow we having a meeting at 6 so try and make this one please" he smiled
"You got it" i told him
"See check this out iono if i could.."
"He'll be here too" I cut Chris off
"You make sure of that I'm counting on you Ms. Logan" Mr.Nick throw his apple up and down
"Will do" and with that i pulled Chris out the office
"Why would you lie to that man when you know i ain't coming" he spoke
"I didn't cause you are coming" i smiled
"HA that's real cute Chase that really is, but I'm not" he said about to walk away but i pulled him back
"Come on just come so he can get off our backs" i told him
"Please for me i don't wanna be here by my self" i put on my puppy dog face
It took him a minute to answer
"Fine but you owe me" he pointed
"Anything thank you" i hugged him
We went back to where everyone else were, they were talking and joking.

I watched as Chase went over to Quera and Kim. Iono but i like Chase just the way she act's like she knows she's pretty but she doesn't scream it. She's goofy and kinda a geek but not one of those weired one's.
"Yo she cool" Bow said breaking me from my oceans of thoughts
"Yea she it tho and she's pretty" Keeis added
"A back up that's mine" Ty said
I gave him the 'yea right' look
"Now you know she don't like you" Mijo laughed, i just had to
he kissed his lips"Man everyone likes me" he said
Once again causing us to laugh
"Naw but you know Chris like her" Kriko came in
I just looked at him, I'm not about to sit here and flex and say I don't
They all just looked at me "Riteeee" they all said in unison
"What are we doing today?" Kim asked with the rest of the girls walked over to us
"Iono let's go to the fair" Ty said
"Turnt up" Keeis and Kirko yelled
"Come on let's go then" i said grabbing Chase hand
"Wait don't we have to tell Mr. Nick that we leaving?" she asked me i had to bend down just to hear he small tail
"No we can just leave" i told her
She just looked at me and then shook her head no
"No i think we should tell him so he won't be upset and i won't have to waist my time in here any longer son" she said crossing her arms over her chest
"Oh snap the New York coming outta her" Kirko cheered
"Ard then go tell him" i pointed to his door
"Fine then" she turned around and went right into his office
We waited while she was in there just talking, I notice that Jess was being rude which isn't new cause she always is. She ain't with me that's Keeis problem. But she better chill out cause if something pops off with her and Chase it's gonna be what it's gonna be.
Chase came out and then grabbed her keys
"Everything good?" I asked her
"Yea" she said simply and with that everyone headed to the parking lot
"Ard how we gonna do this?" Bow asked
"I'm ridding with Chase i didn't drive today" Quera said sitting on Chase car
"I'm ridding with Ty" Kirk spoke up
"Chase" Kim said sitting on her car too
"Chris" Bow called out
"Ty" Mijo said
"Chase" Keeis called
"Chris" Jess called out walking towards my car
"Ard then follow me" I told Chase she nodded her head and then unlock the doors
I unlocked the doors for them, Bow got in the front while Jess got in the back
I started the car while Cash outs Cashin' out played through my speakers
I pulled up in front of the fair
getting out, Chase and Ty pulled in after me.
"WOW" she let out closing the door
"You act like you never been to a fair" Quera pushed her
"I haven't not like this anyway" she pushed her and stuck her tougne out.
"Ard y'all find a biddie" Kim smiled
We all looked at her like 'chick please' lolx
"Just in case cause you know we all ain't gonna stay together and I ain't tryna get lost and have y'all leave me" she poke rolling her neck
"So with that being said we using the biddie system" she said snapping her fingers
Chase just busted out laughing she was gone
"Shut up Chase and get a partner" Ty mocked Kim
"Shut up Ty a go get some mouth wash" Chase told him laughing
"WORD" he came close to her
"Yea WORD" she mocked him backing up into me
I grabbed her and Ty started tickling "Let me go" she laughed
"Naw say sorry" Ty yelled
"Ard yo breath don't stank" she laughed even harder then he stopped
She turned to me and hit me in my stomach
"What was that for" i asked holding my stomach
"For helping your dumb friend" she laughed
So i hit Ty "Ouch bum" he yelled
"That's for messing with her so she can hit me" i laughed
"C'mon kids let's go" Jess said we all looked at her
"Come one before it closes" she rush us
"Don't rush" Quera pointed at her
Everyone fell silent as Chase pulled my hand walking away from them
"That Jess girl she better watch out before she get snatched up" she said simply trying on some sun glasses
"Yea Iono why she acting like that" I told her
She turned on her heels and looked at me
"You really don't know why?" she smiled
"Naw" i told her
"It's cause she likes you Chris" she said simply
Jess and i never been on that level, it's just on a hi and bye thing
"Well i don't like her" i told Chase
"Well SHE likes you" she laughed
"Why do you think this is funny?" i asked her not able to hold my laughter in any longer
"Cause it's funny to watch you sweat over this" she said walking past me
"Well it's not so help me out" i told her
"What am i suppose to do" she asked me with one eye brow raised
"Pretend to like me or something so she can get off my back" i asked her
She looked over at me with the blankest look on her face
"NO" she said
"Please you owe me anyway" I told her
"Fine brown" she said crossing her arms
"Thank you" i picked her up
"Put me down" she yelled
"You mad?" I asked
"Yes" she shot me a look
I just busted out laughing
"Why is this funny to you?" she asked me
"Cause i like to see you sweat over stuff like this" i mocked her
"Yea whatever let's go get on a roller coaster" she waved me off walking past me
I this was going to be fun not only am i getting Jess off my back but i really do like Chase and having her pretend to like me would be good for now anyway.

After we got off this crazy roller he asked me if i was hungry
"You hungry?" he asked helping me get down
"Um yes" i smiled at him
He order us hamburgers and fries
The crew came and met up with us, to eat too
"So Chris" Jess started while i ate until i felt Chris grab my lag under the table letting me know it's my time
"What you get on" she asked him
"Um well i got on a whole bunch of stuff with Chase" he said and then i put my head on his shoulder eating some fries
While 'the crew' smiled and awed
"Oh" she said kinda mad which made me laugh even harder
"What's funny?" Quera asked
"Nothing" i laughed again
"Your so silly" Kim laughed
The whole time we ate Jess kept staring at me and it was making me mad. Iono what her problem but she needs to check it
"You ready" Chris mumbled in my ear
"Yea it's getting cold out her anyway" i told him
"Here" he said handing me his jacket
"Thank you" i smiled
"No problem" he said opening my car door
I smiled at him once more before starting the car watching him walk over to his car. 'The crew' seems cool, but Jess maybe that's just a front and she'll act better Iono but Keeis and the rest are super cool and funny.
Me and Quera just laughed at her face, iono what she pressed for i don't even know the girl!
"So Chase you apart of the art team?" Kim asked me
"Yea but we haven't even had a meeting or anything" i told her
Just then Mr. Nick came in smiling
"Um Chris and Chase come here real quick please" he said
Chris and I got up and went into his second office closing the door behind us
"Um tomorrow we having a meeting at 6 so try and make this one please" he smiled
"You got it" i told him
"See check this out iono if i could.."
"He'll be here too" I cut Chris off
"You make sure of that I'm counting on you Ms. Logan" Mr.Nick throw his apple up and down
"Will do" and with that i pulled Chris out the office
"Why would you lie to that man when you know i ain't coming" he spoke
"I didn't cause you are coming" i smiled
"HA that's real cute Chase that really is, but I'm not" he said about to walk away but i pulled him back
"Come on just come so he can get off our backs" i told him
"Please for me i don't wanna be here by my self" i put on my puppy dog face
It took him a minute to answer
"Fine but you owe me" he pointed
"Anything thank you" i hugged him
We went back to where everyone else were, they were talking and joking.

I watched as Chase went over to Quera and Kim. Iono but i like Chase just the way she act's like she knows she's pretty but she doesn't scream it. She's goofy and kinda a geek but not one of those weired one's.
"Yo she cool" Bow said breaking me from my oceans of thoughts
"Yea she it tho and she's pretty" Keeis added
"A back up that's mine" Ty said
I gave him the 'yea right' look
"Now you know she don't like you" Mijo laughed, i just had to
he kissed his lips"Man everyone likes me" he said
Once again causing us to laugh
"Naw but you know Chris like her" Kriko came in
I just looked at him, I'm not about to sit here and flex and say I don't
They all just looked at me "Riteeee" they all said in unison
"What are we doing today?" Kim asked with the rest of the girls walked over to us
"Iono let's go to the fair" Ty said
"Turnt up" Keeis and Kirko yelled
"Come on let's go then" i said grabbing Chase hand
"Wait don't we have to tell Mr. Nick that we leaving?" she asked me i had to bend down just to hear he small tail
"No we can just leave" i told her
She just looked at me and then shook her head no
"No i think we should tell him so he won't be upset and i won't have to waist my time in here any longer son" she said crossing her arms over her chest
"Oh snap the New York coming outta her" Kirko cheered
"Ard then go tell him" i pointed to his door
"Fine then" she turned around and went right into his office
We waited while she was in there just talking, I notice that Jess was being rude which isn't new cause she always is. She ain't with me that's Keeis problem. But she better chill out cause if something pops off with her and Chase it's gonna be what it's gonna be.
Chase came out and then grabbed her keys
"Everything good?" I asked her
"Yea" she said simply and with that everyone headed to the parking lot
"Ard how we gonna do this?" Bow asked
"I'm ridding with Chase i didn't drive today" Quera said sitting on Chase car
"I'm ridding with Ty" Kirk spoke up
"Chase" Kim said sitting on her car too
"Chris" Bow called out
"Ty" Mijo said
"Chase" Keeis called
"Chris" Jess called out walking towards my car
"Ard then follow me" I told Chase she nodded her head and then unlock the doors
I unlocked the doors for them, Bow got in the front while Jess got in the back
I started the car while Cash outs Cashin' out played through my speakers
I pulled up in front of the fair
getting out, Chase and Ty pulled in after me.
"WOW" she let out closing the door
"You act like you never been to a fair" Quera pushed her
"I haven't not like this anyway" she pushed her and stuck her tougne out.
"Ard y'all find a biddie" Kim smiled
We all looked at her like 'chick please' lolx
"Just in case cause you know we all ain't gonna stay together and I ain't tryna get lost and have y'all leave me" she poke rolling her neck
"So with that being said we using the biddie system" she said snapping her fingers
Chase just busted out laughing she was gone
"Shut up Chase and get a partner" Ty mocked Kim
"Shut up Ty a go get some mouth wash" Chase told him laughing
"WORD" he came close to her
"Yea WORD" she mocked him backing up into me
I grabbed her and Ty started tickling "Let me go" she laughed
"Naw say sorry" Ty yelled
"Ard yo breath don't stank" she laughed even harder then he stopped
She turned to me and hit me in my stomach
"What was that for" i asked holding my stomach
"For helping your dumb friend" she laughed
So i hit Ty "Ouch bum" he yelled
"That's for messing with her so she can hit me" i laughed
"C'mon kids let's go" Jess said we all looked at her
"Come one before it closes" she rush us
"Don't rush" Quera pointed at her
Everyone fell silent as Chase pulled my hand walking away from them
"That Jess girl she better watch out before she get snatched up" she said simply trying on some sun glasses
"Yea Iono why she acting like that" I told her
She turned on her heels and looked at me
"You really don't know why?" she smiled
"Naw" i told her
"It's cause she likes you Chris" she said simply
Jess and i never been on that level, it's just on a hi and bye thing
"Well i don't like her" i told Chase
"Well SHE likes you" she laughed
"Why do you think this is funny?" i asked her not able to hold my laughter in any longer
"Cause it's funny to watch you sweat over this" she said walking past me
"Well it's not so help me out" i told her
"What am i suppose to do" she asked me with one eye brow raised
"Pretend to like me or something so she can get off my back" i asked her
She looked over at me with the blankest look on her face
"NO" she said
"Please you owe me anyway" I told her
"Fine brown" she said crossing her arms
"Thank you" i picked her up
"Put me down" she yelled
"You mad?" I asked
"Yes" she shot me a look
I just busted out laughing
"Why is this funny to you?" she asked me
"Cause i like to see you sweat over stuff like this" i mocked her
"Yea whatever let's go get on a roller coaster" she waved me off walking past me
I this was going to be fun not only am i getting Jess off my back but i really do like Chase and having her pretend to like me would be good for now anyway.

After we got off this crazy roller he asked me if i was hungry
"You hungry?" he asked helping me get down
"Um yes" i smiled at him
He order us hamburgers and fries
The crew came and met up with us, to eat too
"So Chris" Jess started while i ate until i felt Chris grab my lag under the table letting me know it's my time
"What you get on" she asked him
"Um well i got on a whole bunch of stuff with Chase" he said and then i put my head on his shoulder eating some fries
While 'the crew' smiled and awed
"Oh" she said kinda mad which made me laugh even harder
"What's funny?" Quera asked
"Nothing" i laughed again
"Your so silly" Kim laughed
The whole time we ate Jess kept staring at me and it was making me mad. Iono what her problem but she needs to check it
"You ready" Chris mumbled in my ear
"Yea it's getting cold out her anyway" i told him
"Here" he said handing me his jacket
"Thank you" i smiled
"No problem" he said opening my car door
I smiled at him once more before starting the car watching him walk over to his car. 'The crew' seems cool, but Jess maybe that's just a front and she'll act better Iono but Keeis and the rest are super cool and funny.
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