"Hey, little mama, ooh, you're a stunnerHot little figure, yes, you a winnerAnd I'm so glad to be yoursYou're a class all your own And, ooh, little cutie, when you talk to meI swear the whole world stops, you're my sweetheartAnd I'm so glad that you’re mineYou are one of a kind
And you mean to me what I mean to youAnd together, baby, there is nothing we won't do‘Cause if I got you I don't need moneyI don't need cars, girl, you're my all
And, oh, I'm into youAnd, girl, no one else would do‘Cause with every kiss and every hugYou make me fall in love"
And you mean to me what I mean to youAnd together, baby, there is nothing we won't do‘Cause if I got you I don't need moneyI don't need cars, girl, you're my all
And, oh, I'm into youAnd, girl, no one else would do‘Cause with every kiss and every hugYou make me fall in love"

As soon as I got in the car it was like world war 3 in there with the questions.
"Y'all go out" Jess blurted out
I looked at her through the rear view mirror and then laughed
"Naw" i shook my head
"But y'all like each other tho" Bow asked
"Yea" i nodded
"Do she know?" He asked
"Do she like you back?" she asked
"You gonna ask her out?" Bow asked
"You better not" Jess yelled and with that me and Bow looked back at her
"And why can't he?" Bow asked taking the words right out of my mouth
"Cause she's not your type" she said simply like she would know
"And you think you know huh" i grunted
She didn't say anything and that got me heated i HATE when all these bums can have girlfriends, but as soon as one girl come that i LIKE they wanna give me a 100 degrees.
I drove the rest of the way to bow house without a word they got me messed up.
After I dropped him off I quickly dropped her dizzy tail off
"Chris I didn't mean what I said it's you can't like her" she said unbuckling her seat belt
"Whatever get out" I told her not looking at her
"You only knew this barbie for 2 days and you acting like she' your life you knew me for" she started but i cut her off
"I knew you for a couple months" I finished for her
she just looked at me but guess how many cares were given? not one at all
"Are you for real?" she asked
"I. SAID.GET.OUT" I said clenching my jaw she did and slammed my door
"Don't slam my stuff" i yelled
"Forget you CHRIS" she yelled
I pulled off right away texting Keeis to see where he was, he told me he was home so I texted Quera.
me: where you at?
Q: at home dummy what you want?
me: not you let me get chase number
Q: no she don't want you lolx
me: please Quera I'll be your friend
Q: I don't want you to be.. but here
She texted me her number and with that i drove home
pulling into the drive way
I yelled walking into the kitchen
"What boy don't be yelling like that" she hugged me
"My bad" I smiled innocently
"Why you home so late?" she asked putting her phone down
"Um I had to stay after school and then we went to the fair" I told her grabbing some grapes
"Oh that's good well I'm about to go to the store with your auntie" she hugged and kissed my check again
"Ard I'm going upstairs" I told her
I kicked my shoes off and laid on my bed
I pulled out my phone out and started texting Chase
to unknown number: Wassup
from unknown number: who this?
to unknown number: Chris
Chase: oh how you get my number?
me: I have my ways
Chase: well can you say stalker much? lolx
me: I ain't no stalker lolx maybe
Chase: Ew son wyd:)
me: nothing laying down you
Chase: sitting in my moms room watching basketball wives
me: you watch that show? lolx
Chase: sometime when my mom watches it
me: tell my wife she don't need to watch that
Chase: who that?
me: your mom lolx
Chase: she just laughed really hard you just made a old woman's day lolx
me: lolx your moms pretty
Chase: yea-yea-yea that's what they all say
me: well I'm not all:)
Chase: what ever boo you ain't slick
me: yea i am see I went from Chris to boo within a few text
Chase: see you ain't cute Mr. Brown I call everyone boo
me: well you can stop that cause that's my name
Chase: lolx whatever floats your boat Blondie lolx
me: don't talk about the blond
Chase: i like it tho
me: you better
Chase: oh so you demanding now i see lolx
me: a matter fact I am so call me NOW lolx
I put my phone down and turned the T.v on to MTV2 watching Birdman and Rick Ross born stunner a few seconds later my phone rung with Chase name flashing. I guess she did what I told her :P
"Hello" I answered sweetly
"Don't HELLO me Brown" she laughed
"Why? it's the nice thing to do" I laughed
"But there's one problem you ain't nice tho" she said
"What girl I am" I defended myself
"Rite" she said lowly
"You the mean one NEW YORK" I said New York loudly
"Man whatever I am nice" she said I can tell she was smiling
"Yea but you mean to Jess tho" I joked
"Oh see I don't like her speaking of did she buy it" she asked
"YUP" I laughed
"She should! Like okay you like someone that doesn't mean you have to be a jerk about it" she laughed too
"Yo she crazy tho she was telling me you wasn't my type" I yawned
"WHAT! she lucky that I'm not your girlfriend cause I would deck her" she laughed
"You can be if you want to" I smiled
The line went dead silent after a while
"Your crazy" she laughed
"No I'm for real" I told her
"Mmm" she said
"I need to know something" I told her
"What you need to know boo?" she laughed
"If you like me" I spoke
"Well Chris you know I do, If I didn't I wouldn't pretend that I do" she told me
"I'm glad you do" I smiled like the kool-aid man
"Do you like me?" she asked in a kiddish voice
"Yea a mater fact I do"
"Oh" she said smiling in her tone
"I wanna know everything about you" I told her

I moved around in my mama bed trying to find a better spot to lay in.
"Okay like what tho?" I asked Chris
"What's your favorite color?" he asked
"Blue what's yours?" I smiled
"Red, blue and black" he replied
"What's your favorite T.v show?" I asked
"Um I like cartoons" he smiled like a kid
"Your such a big kid" I laughed
"So what's yours?"
"Um fresh prince" I smiled cause I was watching it now
"Oh for real that's what I'm watching" he laughed
"Man get out my head that's what I'm watching son" I laughed
"Man you copying my swag" he laughed
"Babe I'm about to go on a date" my mom came out the bathroom
I just looked at her and smiled I'm glad she getting out there
"Okay Love you" I told her
"Oh so you love me now?" Chris asked
"I'm not talking to you child I'm talking to my moms" I waved him off walking into my room
"Where she going?" He asked with his nosey self
"On a date" I smiled
"Oh I forgot that I was talking her out" He laughed
"Shut up" I laughed too
"What you want me to take you on a date first?" he asked
"Yes a matter fact o do" I smiled at the fact that I told him that
"You got it Lil mama" I could he was smiling
-the next morning-
I woke up a 5:00, so i can make this 'art meeting'. I shot Chris a text
me: Christopher get up!
Chris: Ard imma come get you
me: thankx and kay
With that I went to go take a shower, and do my hair. Afterwards I got dressed into: A black pair of shorts and a pink, purple and blue tank-top with some black sandals. Nothing more and nothing less
It was 6:00 when I was done so I went downstairs, mama was drinking coffee. nothing outta place.
"Hey Hun" she smiled
"Morning mama how was your date?" I asked puring myself some coffee too.
"Great Cory is a great man, he's smart funny, caring,..." she went on and on about 'Mr. perfect'. There was a honk outside knowing it was Christopher.
"Bye mama gotta go" I kissed her check
"Bye baby have a great day" she smiled which I'm glad she didn't get into Chris picking me up that's a door I'm NOT ready to open.
I walked out the front door to see Chris sitting on his car.
"Morning" He smiled
"Morning Brown" I smiled back hugging him
He opened the car door for me, then got into his side.
The car ride there we just talked and listened to music.
We pulled up in front of school and seen the whole crew outside sitting on their cars, or goofing off.

"Wassup" Keeis gave me a dap
"Wassup" I replied sitting on the back of his car pulling Chase in front of me.
"What y'all do yesterday" Quera asked me and Chase
"Nothing" she smiled while I put my arms around her neck
"Rite" Quera laughed
"Whatever MOMS" Chase waved her off
"We gotta go Chris" Chase looked up at me
"Oh yea I for got" I said for real
"Yea I know now let's go" She laughed pulling me towards the building
"See you guys later gotta go to art" she yelled behind her
We were safe cause Mr. Nick wasn't here yet which was great cause I didn't wanna hear his mouth.
Chase was on her phone leaning against the wall
"What you doing?" I asked snaking my arm around her waist
"Nothing talking to my home girl" She laughed her head on my chest
Mr. Nick came and smiled at us.
"Aw isn't that cute?" He laughed unlocking the door
Chase sucked her teeth and then got up helping me up
"Get your fat but up brown" she laughed pulling my arm
"Extend your arms" I laughed
She let me go and walked into the classroom
I got up myself and went in also.
"Where everyone at?" I asked
"Rite here" Mr. Nick smiled
"So let me get this right, were" She pointed to me and her
"...Are the only two people in here?" she asked
"Correct Ms. Logan your smart" Mr. Nick
"Correct Mr. Nick I am and I'm smart enough to leave" she rolled her eyes and proceeded to walk away
"Go get her" Mr. Nick told me
I ran after her yelling her name
"CHASE!!" I yelled
"What brown?" she looked over her shoulder
"Come on you made me come but you leaving me over this dumb self?" I asked pulling her to me
"YES" she yelled
"Just calm down and come back with me" I smiled
"I need to know something?" she mocked me from last night
"Anything" I told her
"I need to know that you always gonna hold me down" she asked me with her big eyes
"Always" I smiled at her
"Thank you"
"No problem" I kissed her for head leaving my lips there for a while.
-what I think about this chap (I gotta know)-
ReplyDeleteBoss chick Omgg so many questions lolx but, it fits the title tho! I loved it when chase and chris was texting it was so sweet and then she called and he was like oh yeah im taking you mom on a date lolx i busted out laughing! and I heart her mom and when chris was going to pick chase up chase was like Im glad mama didnt say anything about chirs picking up because thats a door im not ready to open "Amen" to chase! Mr.Nick and his art class and need to go get some water and chill out like if a girl don't wanna come she aint gotta come you feel? and I think it's about time for them to start datting because like you can tell that they like each other cleary it's not hard to see through them! and aww at the end when chris kissed her on her forehead awww! BRVO!:)
-Now feedback for pictures of chrissie poo-
I had to laugh at your crazyness boss chick lolxxx! and I remember almost all the pictures and Gifs that were there Great Job BOSS CHICK BRVO! and my next chap is up read it when you get a chance
okay thanks for the feed back babe. and yes they do need to date.and when they was texting was cute. i was dying when he was like im talking your mom on a date, i was rolling. and thank you again... the lil chris brown pics were funny and cute!!! and yes i will go read rite away*laiths voice*